CAM user collecting data using the JEOL 2100F FEGTEM Visualising the in-plane compressive strain of an AlGaN quantum well: image by Sonachand Adhikari "Order or disorder": HR-TEM of a crystal structure by Tran Phu Thanh

The JEOL JEM-2100F is a 200 kV field emission transmission electron microscope (TEM) that combines high spatial resolution and analytical performance with an easy to use operation system, ideal for multipurpose operation.

At 200 kV, the high resolution (Cs = 1.0mm) pole-piece performance features a lattice resolution of 0.23nm. The microscope is also capable of scanning TEM imaging in bright and high angular annular dark field. This system also features a 0.8 eV energy spread Schottky FEG source and a JEOL SDD energy dispersive x-ray detector which allows for composition analysis and chemical mapping.

Finally, this microscope is equipped with an electrode short switch, allowing for operation at 80 kV and 120 kV for observation of beam-sensitive specimens.


  • 200 kV FEG TEM/STEM
  • High-resolution pole piece
  • Gatan Orius SC200D (2k x 2k) diffraction camera
  • JEOL BF/HAADF STEM detectors
  • JEOL JED-2300 30mm2 SDD energy dispersive X-Ray spectrometer
  • JEOL specimen single tilt holder
  • JEOL specimen tilt Be holder (low background)
  • JEOL specimen quartet holder
  • Gatan specimen tilt Be holder (low background).


All new users receive one-on-one training.

Attending the Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy (Physical Sciences) workshop will give users a deeper understanding of materials TEM and help users to improve the quality of their data.


Applications for materials science.

Updated:  5 May 2022/Responsible Officer:  Science web/Page Contact:  Science web