CAM Image Competition Winners
Thanks to everyone who entered the 2023 CAM Image Competition. The judges were very impressed with the stunning submissions we received. The following 3 images came out on top:
1st Prize: An Eruption of Spores by Lavi Singh
A ZEISS UltraPlus FESEM image showing myrtle rust spores (coloured yellow) bursting out of a rose-apple leaf (coloured green) by tearing through the epidermis.
2nd Prize: Diversity Hotspot by Michael Frese
An artificially coloured scanning electron micrograph (from the FEI Quanta QEMSCAN) depicting a thyriothecium (fruiting body) of an epiphyllous fungus that grew inside the leaf of a myrtaceous plant (diameter of the fruiting body, 80 micrometer). Epiphyllous fungi are usually non-pathogenic obligate commensals or symbionts, although some species can be pathogenic or saprophytic. These fungi thrive in warm, humid conditions and contribute considerably to the diversity of a rainforest community.
3rd Prize: The missing piece meets the Big O by Sahar Hosseini
A ZEISS Ultra Plus SEM image of a cross-section of Pyromark 2500 deposited on Inconel 625 after 1000 hours of exposure to 800°C. Pyromark is a currently a commercial high-temperature solar absorber coating used in concentrating solar power applications.
Congratulations to Lavi, Michael and Sahar, and thank you to everyone who participated.