Past events
Introduction to Scanning Electron Microscopy (Physical Sciences) »
By the end of this course participants are expected to be able to: identify the various components making up an SEM, understand how an SEM works, understand the processes of signal generation and detection in the SEM, understand how to optimise the performance of the SEM.
Malaria parasite invasion of human red blood cells and the insights we can obtain from 4D imaging »
Seminar by A/Prof Kelly Rogers from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI)
Seminar: Lattice Light-Sheet Microscopy for Quantitative 4D Cell Biology »
A seminar by Dr Niall Geoghegan from WEHI on lattice light-sheet microscopy
Crystal Structure Determination by 3D ED / MicroED - From Materials, Peptides to Proteins »
Visiting speaker - Dr Hongyi Xu
New Possibilities in Confocal Imaging: Leica Demonstration at CAM »
CAM is calling for interested users to demo a new confocal platform from Leica Microsystems: the STELLARIS 8.
ACMM26 - 26th Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis »
ACMM26, 2020 Visions in Microscopy is about bringing together colleagues from life sciences and physical sciences and working together towards new visions and goals in microscopy.